Education Background:
B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Bucknell Univerisity
M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Description:
Modulating vascular morphogenesis and cell transformations in well-defined hydrogel environments.
- T. Hansen, J.T. Koepsel, N.N. Le, E.H. Nguyen, S. Zorn, M. Parlato, S.G. Loveland, M.P. Schwartz, W.L. Murphy. Biomaterial arrays with defined adhesion ligand densities and matrix stiffness identify distinct phenotypes for tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic human mesenchymal cell types. Biomaterials Science, Accepted.
- E.H. Nguyen, M. Zanotelli, M.P. Schwartz, W.L. Murphy. Differential effects of cell adhesion, modulus and VEGFR-2 inhibition on capillary network formation in synthetic hydrogel arrays. Biomaterials, 2014; 35: 2149-2161.
- M.P. Schwartz*, S.P. Singh, J.Y. Lee, S.G. Loveland, J.T. Koepsel, R.E. Rogers, S.I. Montanez-Sauri, K.E. Sung, E.K. Sackmann, E.Y. Tokuda, L.M. Everhart, E.H. Nguyen, Y. Sharma, M.H. Zaman, D.J. Beebe, N.G. Ahn, W.L. Murphy*, K.S. Anseth*. A comparison between primary and transformed cells reveals a unique migration mode with mixed mesenchymal and amoeboid character. PLoS One, 2013; 8: e81689.
- J.T. Koepsel, E.H. Nguyen, W.L. Murphy. Differential effects of a soluble or immobilized VEGFR-binding peptide. Integrative Biology, 2012; 4: 914-924.
- E. Nguyen, M.P. Schwartz, W.L. Murphy. Biomimetic approaches to control soluble protein concentration gradients in biomaterials. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2011; 11: 483-492.
- Biotechnology Training Program Trainee (Doctoral Studies funded by NIH GMS),UW-Madison
- Graduate Engineering Research Scholars, UW-Madison
- Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center Regenerative Biology Scholars Award
- W.L. Murphy, E. Nguyen, M. Schwartz, H. Ardalani, M. Zanotelli, M. Parlato, D. Belair, W. Daly, N.N. Le. Synthetic hydrogel compositions that promote endothelial cell tubulogenesis. U.S. Patent Application Filed, 2015.
- N.N. Le, S. Zorn, M.P. Schwartz, E.H. Nguyen, W.L. Murphy. Novel method for forming hydrogel arrays using surfaces with differential wettability. U.S. Patent Application Filed, 2014.