Dr. Eric Nguyen

Position title: Postdoctoral Reseacher

Email: eric.erkicman87@gmail.com

Education Background:

B.S. Biomedical Engineering, Bucknell Univerisity
M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

 Research Description:

Modulating vascular morphogenesis and cell transformations in well-defined hydrogel environments.

  1. T. Hansen, J.T. Koepsel,  N.N. Le, E.H. Nguyen, S. Zorn, M. Parlato, S.G. Loveland, M.P. Schwartz, W.L. Murphy. Biomaterial arrays with defined adhesion ligand densities and matrix stiffness identify distinct phenotypes for tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic human mesenchymal cell types. Biomaterials Science, Accepted.
  2. E.H. Nguyen, M. Zanotelli, M.P. Schwartz, W.L. Murphy. Differential effects of cell adhesion, modulus and VEGFR-2 inhibition on capillary network formation in synthetic hydrogel arrays. Biomaterials, 2014; 35: 2149-2161. internet_link.jpg
  3. M.P. Schwartz*, S.P. Singh, J.Y. Lee, S.G. Loveland, J.T. Koepsel, R.E. Rogers, S.I. Montanez-Sauri, K.E. Sung, E.K. Sackmann, E.Y. Tokuda, L.M. Everhart, E.H. Nguyen, Y. Sharma, M.H. Zaman, D.J. Beebe, N.G. Ahn, W.L. Murphy*, K.S. Anseth*. A comparison between primary and transformed cells reveals a unique migration mode with mixed mesenchymal and amoeboid character. PLoS One, 2013; 8: e81689. internet_link.jpg
  4. J.T. Koepsel, E.H. Nguyen, W.L. Murphy. Differential effects of a soluble or immobilized VEGFR-binding peptide. Integrative Biology, 2012; 4: 914-924. internet_link.jpg
  5.  E. Nguyen, M.P. Schwartz, W.L. Murphy. Biomimetic approaches to control soluble protein concentration gradients in biomaterials. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2011; 11: 483-492. internet_link.jpg
  • Biotechnology Training Program Trainee (Doctoral Studies funded by NIH GMS),UW-Madison
  • Graduate Engineering Research Scholars, UW-Madison
  • Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center Regenerative Biology Scholars Award


  • W.L. Murphy, E. Nguyen, M. Schwartz, H. Ardalani, M. Zanotelli, M. Parlato, D. Belair, W. Daly, N.N. Le. Synthetic hydrogel compositions that promote endothelial cell tubulogenesis. U.S. Patent Application Filed, 2015.
  • N.N. Le, S. Zorn, M.P. Schwartz, E.H. Nguyen, W.L. Murphy. Novel method for forming hydrogel arrays using surfaces with differential wettability. U.S. Patent Application Filed, 2014.