Hamisha Ardalani

Position title: Graduate Student

Email: hardalani@wisc.edu

Department Affiliation:

Biomedical Engineering

Education Background:

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology

Research Description:

Developing a multicellular model of the human liver using pluripotent stem cell and microfluidic technologies.

Modeling hierarchical blood vessel anastomosis in vitro using synthetic hydrogels

Deciphering vascular regeneration during limb regeneration of axolotl



W.L. Murphy, E. Nguyen, M. Schwartz, H. Ardalani, M. Zanotelli, M. Parlato, D. Belair, W. Daly, N.N. Le. Synthetic hydrogel compositions that promote endothelial cell tubulogenesis. U.S. Patent Application Filed, 2015.