Department Affiliation:
Biomedical Engineering
Education Background:
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
Research Description:
Developing a multicellular model of the human liver using pluripotent stem cell and microfluidic technologies.
Modeling hierarchical blood vessel anastomosis in vitro using synthetic hydrogels
Deciphering vascular regeneration during limb regeneration of axolotl
- Ron Stewart,, Cynthia Alexander Rascón, Shulan Tian, Jeff Nie, Chris Barry, Li-Fang Chu, Hamisha Ardalani et al. “Comparative RNA-seq analysis in the unsequenced axolotl: the oncogene burst highlights early gene expression in the blastema.” PLoS Comput Biol 9, no. 3 (2013): e1002936.
- Ardalani, H., Assadi, A. H., & Murphy, W. L. (2014). Structure, Function, and Development of Blood Vessels: Lessons for Tissue Engineering. In Engineering in Translational Medicine (pp. 155-182). Springer London.
- Hamisha Ardalani+, Matthew R Zanotelli+, Jue Zhang, Zhonggang Hou, Eric H. Nguyen, Scott Swanson, Bao Kim Nguyen et al. “Stable engineered vascular networks from human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells cultured in synthetic hydrogels.” Acta biomaterialia (2016). (+Authors contributed equally)
W.L. Murphy, E. Nguyen, M. Schwartz, H. Ardalani, M. Zanotelli, M. Parlato, D. Belair, W. Daly, N.N. Le. Synthetic hydrogel compositions that promote endothelial cell tubulogenesis. U.S. Patent Application Filed, 2015.