On Saturday the 11th of March 2017 at the Horizons and Challenges in Organotypic Culture Models for Predictive Toxicology Satellite Meeting in Baltimore, the Human Models for Analysis of Pathways (HMAPs) Center presented on emerging technologies and resources for predictive Toxicology. New toxicity testing methods include new microfluidic technologies for generating human tissues-on-a-chip (also known as microphysiological systems or organotypic cultures), generation of regionally-specified and functionally mature stem cells, novel biological network analysis paradigms and imaging technologies.
The Horizons and Challenges in Organotypic Culture Models for Predictive Toxicology Satellite Meeting is focused on the ability to create microphysiological organotypic culture models provide an opportunity for a paradigm shift and the advancement of alternative, more public health relevant and efficient toxicity testing methods. These Organotypic Culture Models for Predictive Toxicology (OCM-PTs) will be faster, less costly, and more scientifically robust than many currently available methods. Refined assessment models of how organs and tissues respond to environmental chemicals, coupled with the rigorous requirements of contemporary toxicology screening, will be critical to informing implementation of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, the amended Toxic Substances Control Act. The development of OCM-PTs are complicated by their highly interdisciplinary nature. New directions, challenges, and needs were discussed in order to bridge the research disciplines needed to move the cutting-edge science on OCM-PTs forward.
Sessions were held with young investigators from the OCM-PT Centers at the University of Wisconsin (Human Models for Analysis of Pathways Center), Vanderbilt University/University of Pittsburgh (the Vanderbilt-Pittsburgh Resource for Organotypic Models for Predictive Toxicology), University of Washington (the University of Washington Predictive Toxicology Center), Texas A&M/North Carolina State University (the Cardiotoxicity Adverse Outcome Pathway Center), and their collaborators in the Chemical Safety for Sustainability Program at the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Satellite Meeting:
Agenda: http://www.toxicology.org/events/am/am2017/docs/2017_SOT_Satellite_meeting_agenda.pdf
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